hop growers of michigan members in a selfie photo

Thanks in advance for your membership and support of Hop Growers of Michigan!

Why Join Hop Growers of Michigan?

We believe there is strength in numbers and there are opportunities to make every one of us a more efficient, effective and sustainable business. Coming together helps us establish a reputation beyond our state borders for Michigan Grown Hops as being a high quality, consistent and reliable source of hops. Our goals include:

  • Support educational programs and instruction for growing commercial hop production in the state.
  • Facilitate grower best practice exchanges, sharing of techniques and knowledge for hop growing business success.
  • Enlist the technical and financial support of Michigan higher education institutions for research and development of hop horticulture and processing.
  • Apply for and receive grants and funding to promote, market and utilize Michigan hop crops.
  • Partner with other organizations to advance the interest of Michigan hop growers and craft brewing.
  • Undertake any other activity to advance the members’ interest in the promotion of Michigan hop producers.
  • Review legislation, regulations and advocate for public policy advancing the interest of the members.

2025 Membership Categories

Grower Members
With more than 2 acre of hops planted
Grower Members
With 500 plants to 2 acre of hops planted
General Members
Start-up hop growers, out-of-state hop growers, industry resource members, and any other member not classifying as a Grower Member
hop growers of michigan logo with michigan-shaped hop icon

To join or renew

Please complete the following online application and submit payment. You can also choose to download the printable PDF application.